Greek: Melitzanosalata (Eggplant Dip)

Recipe by Paul Young <>

(serves 6)



  1. Slice each eggplant into 3 vertical “center cut” slices (about ½ inch thick, discard end cuts)
  2. Brush one side with olive oil, grill (or broil) for 5 minutes
  3. Turn the eggplant and brush other side with olive oil, grill (or broil) for another 5 minutes
  4. Repeat as needed until eggplant is thoroughly cooked, set aside to cool
  5. Remove skin of eggplant, coarsely chop into ¼ inch chunks
  6. In a mixing bowl, mix chopped eggplant with dressing
  7. Add cumin and adjust for seasoning
  8. Mix in red onions and parsley
  9. Transfer to serving bowl, garnish with feta cheese and olives
  10. Serve with bread and/or sliced cucumbers